Forms and Documents

Forms for Students and Parents School Year 2024 - 2025

 Medications Consent Form - All non-prescription and prescription medications taken at school must be authorized by completing this form. Download the form, complete the relevant fields, and return it to the school office prior to bringing medications to school.
Download PDF 

 Appointment Pass - The school day appointment pass should be completed and turned into the office upon return. Students missing school for a medical, dental, optical, chiropractic, or other appointments will need to complete this form in order for the missed day to be declared and excused absence.

Dyslexia Guidebook

Homeless Services


 School District Wellness Policy - The Fennimore Community School District promotes healthy schools by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as a part of the total learning environment. To learn more, see our full policy from the download link provided.

 Accessibility and Non-Discrimination Policy

 District Technology Plan - Fennimore Schools will provide a technology rich education which develops students who can use technology in an effective manner and who value the role of technology in reaching their future goals. The District Technology Plan is a comprehensive document in which Fennimore Schools documents how we hope to achieve this vision.