Collage of assembly photos

Today Fennimore Middle/High School was privileged to have Terrence Talley come and speak to both the middle and high school students.  His mission is to give every student hope and empower them to give hope to others.  He began his assembly this morning with the middle schoolers by having them point out teachers and staff to come down in front to help him.  Little did they know that they would be showing off their dance skills (see video below)!  

Students this morning were encouraged to take a look around them, and show compassion to those in their school.  Mr. Talley wants to educate the hearts and minds of students everywhere in order to make a positive and lasting impact on their lives.

This afternoon the high school students heard a message focusing on resilience to help equip them to reach out to others with encouragement!

Thank you Terrence Talley for coming to FMS/FHS today! We know you have made a difference in the lives of our students!