SoM Graphic

One month of school is in the books and  we'd like to highlight the following students for their contributions in the classroom.

6th Grade - Monica Goodman

Monica's nomination said, "I enjoy watching Monica work in small groups. She helps keep kids on track while being patient and kind. She has been especially helpful to kids who are learning virtually."  Thank you, Monica!

7th Grade - Sitlali Acatzihua-Rodriguez

Sitlalli's nomination read, "Sitlalli's quiet presence can have a great impact on a classroom. She is well organized, prepared, and thorough in her work day after day after day."

Congratulations, Sitlalli!

8th Grade - Colby Leeser

Despite some bad luck and broken bones, Colby's teacher had this to say about him. "Colby could have a million excuses why things haven't been done this month, but that hasn't been the case. He's been persistent in staying on track and I'm proud of him!"

Great work, Colby!

Other Nominees

6th Grade: Teegan Griswold & Cashton Roth

7th Grade: Luci Cathman, Tagan Dresen, Noah Needham

8th Grade: Cameron Ashlie & Trent Tollefson