Student of the Month Images

We've wrapped up 2021 and  and we are thankful for the  contributions of our Student of the Month nominees and winners 

6th Grade - Whitney Steldt

Whitney's nomination said, "I like having Whitney in my class to start the day because she comes to class with energy. She is happy, works hard, and takes pride in the assignments she turns in."  Thank you, Whitney!

7th Grade - Lucerito Acatzihua-Rodriguez 

Lucerito's nomination read, "Lucerito takes the time to really develop her ideas and answers questions with insight beyond basic answers. She is an exemplary student!" Congratulations, Lucerito!

8th Grade - Eden Richter

Eden's nomination read, "Eden is a quiet student who goes about the school day with a business-like approach. When she comes to class, she looks at the agenda on the board, gets her work out, and is ready to begin. Her approach to school makes her successful."  Keep up the good work, Eden!

Other Nominees

6th Grade:  Grant Biba, Titus Klais, Mayleigh Seitz, Madison Tollefson, and Abbi Weber

7th Grade:  Cailin Bausch, Kaylee Friederick, Josiah King, Logan Koestler, and Noah Needham

8th Grade: Bailee Bray, Kayahna Furrer, Alivia Jaeger, Dalton Linneman, and Zach Schnitzler